The SSQ Periodic Review is a management meeting to review the Safety, Security, Quality, Occupational Safety Health and Environment aspects in AIRFAST Indonesia at a regular time interval to decide what any necessary corrective actions are required based on the current level of the SSQ. By applying the right policies to accurately correct actions to the SSQ and which can then be continuously improved.
There are several SSQ Periodic Reviews in the form of:
SSQ Review Board
The SSQ Review Board (SRB) is a high-level committee chaired by the President Director as the Accountable Manager which decides strategic directions to the SSQ program. The board should normally include the Senior Management and relevant Managers to be scheduled at a minimum of twice per year.
SSQ Action Group
The SSQ Action Group (SAG) is chaired by the QSHES Manager who reports to and takes strategic direction from the SRB. It comprises Managers, Supervisors and Staff who are responsible from all operational areas and should be scheduled to be a minimum of once every three months.
Base Safety Meeting
The Base Safety Meeting will be held at least once per month on each operational/maintenance base on a date to be set by the Person in charge of the area (CCP/Base Safety Officer). The meeting objective would include overseeing operational SSQ and implementing the strategic direction that was decided on the SRB and/or SAG. The Base Safety Meeting attendance should include all Operational, Maintenance and Administration personnel on the local area.
P2K3 Meeting
In complying to the act, the UU No. 1 Tahun 1970 from Ministry of Labour, AIRFAST Indonesia establishes Panitia Pembina Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (P2K3) which is a forum between management and employees to develop an effective Occupational Safety and Health (OSH). The forum itself is comprised of a representative from each department and function, chaired by the Senior Management representative. Those minutes meeting are documented which can be subject to auditable material.
All of SSQ Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) will be documented and reported in the Periodic Reports that will be published monthly, quarterly and annually to the Accountable Manager, Shareholders and/or relevant Stakeholders.