OSH&E Manual is a document for providing the guideline for occupational safety health and environment guidance to protect co-workers, family members, employers, customers, and many others who might be affected by the workplace environment for possible injuries made by the workplace environment.
The main goal is to continuously strive for a healthy, accident free, and environmentally sound workplace and community with no accidents, no harm to people, and no damage to the environment while providing the technical and operational excellence needed to meet critical corporate objectives.
This OSH&E Manual issued by the Quality, Safety Health, Environment and Security (QSHES) Department with the reference of Labor Act No.1 Year 1970 about Occupational Safety
OSH&E Manual applies to all business processes where AIRFAST Indonesia is conducting operations, to include all AIRFAST’s personnel, business partners, contractors and suppliers. Everyone who works at and/or for AIRFAST Indonesia and its customers is responsible for working safely, healthy and in an environmentally responsible manner.